Blanca Juti
Game Changer ENG
How to make an impact in a fast changing world
Game changing innovation is never evolutionary. By definition it's revolutionary.
Game changing requires us to tap into who we are and why we do things. It begins with the desire to solve a problem with fresh new eyes, rather than simply improve on an existing solution.
This book is for those of you who want to seize that opportunity; you who believe you can make a positive impact in our fast changing world. The challenges are many but so are the opportunities.In Game Changer Blanca Juti will immerse you in a world populated by individuals who are changing the world in small and big ways. Drawing on her experiences in technology, start-ups, gaming, anthropology and storytelling, she suggests where to start and how to build a tribe. And she shares why, though game changing is tough, thanks to the speed of technology, collaborative networks and new social values, there has never been a better time to do it.